Wednesday, November 23, 2011

guess who's coming to town?

guess who?

I've been trying really hard to hold it in.

I mean, really.. the only consolation I have is that we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Because if we do, I would have to wait till that is over before I can talk about my favourite holiday of the year.

I thought it might still be a bit early, but last weekend I heard my first carol of the year. Ikea had their live pine trees on sale, along with other goodies like gift wrap, baubles and all things shiny. AND Justin Bieber performed a holiday song on the American Music Awards.

Hey, if it's not too early for the Biebs, it's not too early for me.

So I got to work. 

One of the toppers I made was the little man up there. No, not up there, but at the top of the post. Just a little teaser, but surely it can't be too difficult to guess who it is? ;)

Bursting with Festive Cheer Ally

Saturday, November 19, 2011

it's me again

So here's the thing.

I'm a bad blogger. Really bad. I aspire to be a good one, but time just seems to fly by and the next thing I know, months have passed since the last post - or in this case, 11 months. Yes. Bad blogger. Really bad blogger. 

Also, I figured I was mostly talking to myself here all the time because I have a grand total of 5 followers.. much love to you guys, but the rest of you HAVE to help me with that, ok? ;), so nobody was going to notice if I disappeared, right? Right.

But now that I've set up a Facebook page *finally!*, I realised you wonderful friends/soon-to-be-friends have been popping over to check out this blog via the link listed, so I'm now going to get my act together and try to show you what I've been doing in the past 11 months.

There. I've said it out loud, so there's no turning back. Please bear with me as I play catch-up, and please do send me a smack-on-the-bottom email if you don't hear from me regularly.  

Lots of love, 

Trying To Be A Good Blogger Ally.